Wind tunnel sales

Start your tunnel project now


Mike has been flying in wind tunnels and skydiving professionally around the world for the last 20 years. He has done more than 17 000 skydives with a few thousands on the French National team, international teams and competitions around the world. Mike a passionate flyer and  is fully committed to providing you with this extensive knowledge on the wind tunnel market. Email or call him as he  has a wealth of experience to share.

AIRFLY if the official distributor of Tornado wind tunnel manufacturer products for Europe. Airfly has been actively working with Tornado in the modification of the wind tunnel and it’s conformity for the EEC market. We also currently run the first Tornado powered vertical wind tunnel in Europe.

Full engagement with our clients

We are fully engaged with you from the start to the the end of your project,

We can also help in understanding  and complying with all the complex European rules and laws so that you can concentrate on your project and finding the clients for your future high profit business.